Program at a glance
This program is subject to change.
Plenary Sessions
PLENARY SPEAKER 1: Steven Goodman , Field Museum,
The history, current status, and future of the protected areas of Madagascar
PLENARY SPEAKER 2: Corine Vriesendorp , Field Museum Of Natural History,
Conservation in the remote western Amazon: A natural history museum putting science into the hands of decision-makers
PLENARY SPEAKER 3: Joerg Ganzhorn , University of Hamburg,
From food chemistry to the evolution of primate communities: historical perspective, progresses, gaps and new approaches
PLENARY SPEAKER 4: William Laurance , James Cook University,
Infrastructure Armageddon and the Future of Tropical Nature
PLENARY SPEAKER 5: Kaoru Kitajima , Kyoto University,
Land use, climate change and tropical forest conservation
PLENARY SPEAKER 6: Jonah Ratsimbazafy , GERP,
Why Emerging Conservation Leaders are our best hope for saving biodiversity
As of mid-March 2019, the following symposia, which are organized or co-organized by different individuals, will be presented at the meeting.
Workshops are intended to offer a space for conference attendees to engage with experts on important issues and questions related to “Tropical biology and sustainable development".
Most of the workshops are free of charge but the capacity is limited and registration is required. The registration is available as an add-on option via the ATBC 2019 conference registration system. Please note that the completed workshops are configured to "disappear in the system" when the maximum capacity of registered participants is reached.
Workshop descriptions and names of organizers can be found in the “ATBC 2019 Workshops” document below.
Workshop 1: How to get your paper published: skills for writing papers and the journey to publication (July 30, 2019)
- Dr Rosie Trevelyan, Tropical Biology Association
- Dr Onja H. Razafindratsima, Department of Biology, College of Charleston
- Dr Edu Effiom, Cross River State Forestry Commission, Nigeria
Workshop 2: E2M3: Ecological and Epidemiological Mini Modeling in Madagascar (July 30, 2019)
Organizer: Cara E. Brook, PhD, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California
Workshop 3: Mentoring Circle meeting (July 30, 2019)
Organizer: ATBC Mentoring Circle program
Workshop 4: Capacity development: Priorities and pathways to develop leaders for forest landscape restoration (July 31, 2019)
- Karin Bucht, Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative at Yale University
- Eva Garen, Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative at Yale University
Workshop 5: Biotropica informal "meet and greet" (July 31, 2019)
Organizers: Biotropica Editors
Workshop 6: Capacity building for conservation in Africa (August 1, 2019)
- Dr Rosie Trevelyan, Tropical Biology Association
- Dr Onja H. Razafindratsima, Department of Biology, College of Charleston
- Dr Edu Effiom, Cross River State Forestry Commission, Nigeria
Workshop 7: Using aerial surveillance program and new technologies to improve natural resources management (August 1, 2019)
Organizer: Rasolozaka Tojo Michaël, WWF Madagascar
Workshop 8: MIHARI Network: Building a civil society movement to safeguard marine resources (August 2, 2019)
- MIHARI Network – National Coordinator
- MIHARI Network members (LMMA Associations and NGO members)
Workshop 9: National Geographic grants & grant writing workshop (August 2, 2019)
- Chloe Cipolletta, National Geographic Society East Africa Fund
- Jill Spear, National Geographic Society Grant Program
Workshop 10: How do we improve forest habitat conservation and ecological restoration in Madagascar? (August 3, 2019)
- Dr. Josia Razafindramanana, Affiliation: Ambatovy and University of Antananarivo
- Dr. Chris Birkinshaw, Affiliation: Missouri Botanical Garden, Madagscar, Antananarivo Office
- Dr. Robert Kooyman, Affiliation: Missouri Botanical Garden, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Macquarie University
Workshop 11: Funnelling post-conference excitement into concrete next steps for achieving your career and research objectives (August 4, 2019)
- Dr. Tuyeni Mwampamba
- Dr. Beth Kaplin
- Dr. Morilline Hariveloniaina Onja Razanamaro, University of Antananarivo Madagascar
Workshop 12: Madagascar Lab&Kitchen by Cascoland - Installation/Workshop (August 4, 2019)
Organizer: Mariana Martínez Balvanera
Mentoring Circle
The ATBC will be sponsoring its third Mentoring Circle program this year during its annual conference held in Antananarivo, Madagascar in July 2019. The last two years of the program were very successful, proving to be a very helpful experience to both mentors and mentees.
The ATBC Mentoring Circle program is designed to bring together groups of 8-10 mentees with two mentors with similar career interests to promote career development in tropical biology and conservation. Specifically, we aim to support early career tropical biologists (i.e. graduate students and post-docs) by providing a network of individuals that can offer advice, best practices, and tools to achieve success.
Mentors and mentees will be assigned to their circles and attend a 2-hour meeting on Tuesday, July 30 before the opening ceremony of the ATBC 2019 annual meeting in Antananarivo, Madagascar. They will discuss each mentee’s and mentor’s objectives and desired outcomes. The mentoring circles will convene again at least once more in the course of the meeting during one pre-arranged lunch (Friday, Aug 2). They will then meet virtually (e.g. via Skype or Zoom) once a month throughout the rest of the year to develop a strong and continuing relationship.
If you wish to learn more about ATBC’s mentoring program from the perspective of a mentee, check out the piece written by a PhD student about her own experience, called “ATBC Mentoring: Networking for a Future in Tropical Biology”.
To participate this year, mentees and mentors should be:
- current members of ATBC,
- giving an oral or poster presentation at the ATBC meeting in Antananarivo,
- able to attend meetings on Tuesday, July 30th and Friday, August 2,
- committed to participating in the Mentoring Circles throughout the year.
To apply to be a mentee, please fill out this form: (Note that you should fill out this form even if you indicated on the registration page for the ATBC meeting that you would like to be a mentee.).
To apply to be a mentor, please fill out this form: (Note that you should fill out this form even if you indicated on the registration page that you would like to be a mentor).
The deadline for applications is Saturday, June 1. We will inform mentees and mentors of their selection by mid-June and will follow with an email with guidelines for mentees and mentors.
For more information, visit the ATBC 2019 Annual Meeting page . Please direct any questions about the Mentoring Circles to Edu Efiom (, Onja Razafindratsima ( or Saara DeWalt (, Co-coordinators of the ATBC Mentoring Circle for 2019-20.